Keeping your finger on the pulse of Gen Z

May 23, 2024 12:30 PM

Session overview:

Think you know Gen Z in the UK? Think again.

Despite what *some* media outlets might lead you to believe, Gen Z aren’t all the same. They don’t all have the same interests, motivations, or spending habits. Gen Z are a diverse generation with ever-expanding subcultures and behaviour drivers.

Ditch the blanket approach to your youth marketing with Pion’s Gen Z Pulse. This webinar is your ticket to getting under the skin of Gen Z in the UK with ideas to help you translate these unique insights into successful marketing campaigns.

Brands can expect to take away from this session:

  • Discover the nuances that make Gen Z tick.
  • Deep dive into the many layers of Gen Z’s unique demographics, psychographics and sociographics.
  • Learn how to tailor your marketing to better reach, understand and engage with Gen Z.
  • Understand how to ‘play the long game’ - Gen Z won’t all buy into your brand from day one, it’s all about building longterm brand affinity.


Leah Doyle - Insights Manager at Pion

Leah is a Master in Consumer Behaviour (MSc), Member of The British Psychological Society (MBPSs), Member of the Market Research Society (MMRS). With a wealth of experience conducting research both industry and academic in healthcare, media, students and young people, and advertising. Leah has presented working papers and has also guest lectured at the University of London about market research and consumer behaviour on a number of occasions.

Richard Jackson - Head of Insights & Events at Pion

Richard (General Manager) has worked alongside founder Simon Eder to grow Insights at Pion into what it has become today: hosts of the world's leading youth marketing festival across London, New York, Berlin and San Francisco. Pion is also the go-to destination for insights into the latest trends among Gen Z. Richard oversees all aspects of YMS, and his can-do attitude and passion for brands has enabled him to give Insights at Pion a unique positioning.